| | |  | | The Secret Library of Syria If your city were a war zone, life would be a daily struggle to survive. Ask yourself: What would you be willing to risk your life for? Perhaps food, water, or medicine comes to mind. But for the citizens of one town in war-torn Syria, the answer is a surprising one: books. In Darayya, a suburb of Damascus, people put themselves in harm's way in order to find new books to add to a secret underground library. Searching through bomb-damaged homes and buildings, they seek out books of all kinds, believing that knowledge is as much a necessity as physical supplies. "We saw that it was vital to create a new library so that we could continue our education," said Anas Ahmad, a former student who helped found the library. With more than 1,400 books, the library is regularly used by children, teachers, doctors, and even fighters who consider reading an important inspirational activity, despite the difficulty of their situation. "The library holds a special place in all our hearts," said fighter Omar Abu Anas. "Books motivate us to keep on going."
敘利亞的祕密圖書館 如果你居住的城市是在戰區,生活便會是每天要奮力求生存。捫心自問︰你會為了什麼干冒生命危險?腦中浮現的或許是食物、水或藥物。但對於飽受戰火蹂躪的一個敘利亞小鎮的鎮民來說,答案出人意料之外︰是書。 在大馬士革郊區的德拉雅,人們為了找到新書以增添一間祕密地下圖書館的收藏而置身於險境之中。他們翻遍遭受炸彈摧毀的住家和建築物,尋找各種書籍,相信知識就如同物質補給品一樣,是不可或缺的東西。先前還是學生並幫助成立圖書館的安那斯.阿瑪德說︰「我們了解到建立一間新的圖書館至關重要,這樣我們才可以繼續我們的教育。」 這間圖書館擁有的書籍超過一千四百本,經常有孩童、教師、醫生甚至戰士來使用,儘管處境艱困,他們視閱讀為鼓舞人心的重要活動。戰士歐瑪.阿布.阿那斯說︰「這間圖書館在我們所有人心中占有特別的一席之地。書本激勵我們繼續往前走。」 | | 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.188 12月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | |  | It would be my pleasure. 這會是我的榮幸。 | 這句話用來表示很樂意做某事,後面可再接to V.來說明做什麼事,如對話中的用法。情態助動詞would在此表示客氣的語氣。 | A: It's amazing to meet you, Ms. Jones! I'm a huge fan of yours, and I love your new book. Could I ask you to sign my copy? 瓊斯小姐,遇到您真是太棒了!我是您的死忠書迷,而且我很喜歡您的新書。可以請您在我的書上簽名嗎? B: Of course! I'm always glad to meet a fan. It would be my pleasure! 當然可以!我總是很高興遇見書迷。這是我的榮幸! 你也可以這樣說: It would be a treat. | | | | |  | | 2016/12/26(一) |  | She started landing roles in major blockbusters like Inception and The Dark Knight Rises, starring opposite A-list Hollywood superstars, including Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, and Leonardo DiCaprio. 她開始得到大製作鉅片的角色,像是《全面啟動》與《黑暗騎士:黎明升起》,與好萊塢一線巨星,包括強尼•戴普、克里斯汀•貝爾和李奧納多•狄卡皮歐聯袂演出。 |
| 2016/12/27(二) |  | With more than 1,400 books, the library is regularly used by children, teachers, doctors, and even fighters who consider reading an important inspirational activity, despite the difficulty of their situation. 這間圖書館擁有的書籍超過一千四百本,經常有孩童、教師、醫生甚至戰士來使用,儘管處境艱困,他們視閱讀為鼓舞人心的重要活動。 |
| 2016/12/28(三) |  | Remember: taking only what you can eat or saving food you can't finish for every meal could make a big difference. 記住:只拿你吃得下的食物或是把每餐吃不完的食物留起來,就可以產生很大的影響。 |
| 2016/12/29(四) |  | In the wild, size isn't everything; speed alone can mean the difference between life and death -- for both the hunter and the hunted. 在荒野中,體型不是一切;光是速度就可能代表生死的差別──對狩獵者和被獵者都一樣。 |
| 2016/12/30(五) |  | Speed is critical for survival even in the sky. 即使在天空中,速度對生存也很重要。 |
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