| | |  | | Celebrating 150 Years of Canadian Beauty —Jay Sailors Canada has some of the most beautiful national parks in the world. To celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary, the country is making entry to its more than 40 national parks free throughout 2017. This makes the new year an ideal time to visit Canada and take in as much of its natural splendor as possible. For winter beauty, Banff National Park in Alberta is second to none. Here, snow-covered mountains surround beautiful lakes, including the famous Lake Louise. There's much more than just marvelous sights, though; the area offers all kinds of winter activities. If you like sports, you can go skiing, ice-skating, or even hiking with snowshoes. On the other hand, people who prefer to relax can enjoy Banff's mountain hot springs, which provide a bit of inviting warmth amid the winter snow. Banff is also home to a number of special events such as the Ice Magic Festival, in which people from around the world compete in creating remarkable ice statues. A favorite of locals and tourists alike, the festival presents the perfect opportunity for enjoying Banff's winter beauty.
暢遊加拿大國家公園 加拿大有一些全世界最美麗的國家公園。為了慶祝建國一百五十週年,加拿大在二○一七年一整年提供四十多個國家公園免費入園。這使得新的一年成為造訪加拿大以及盡可能多參觀其壯麗自然美景的理想時機。 關於冬天的美景,亞伯達省的班夫國家公園首屈一指。在這裡,白雪覆蓋的山脈環繞著美麗的湖泊,包括著名的露易絲湖。不過這裡不只有絕妙的景色,這個地區提供各式各樣的冬季活動。如果你喜歡運動,你可以去滑雪、溜冰,甚至穿著雪鞋徒步旅行。另一方面,比較想放鬆的人可以享受班夫的山中溫泉,它們在冬雪中提供一點誘人的溫暖。 班夫也有一些特殊的活動像是「冰雪魔法節」,來自世界各地的人在魔法節中比賽創造出出色的冰雕。這個魔法節受到當地人和遊客的喜愛,是享受班夫冬季美景的最好機會。 | | 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.189 1月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | |  | So far, so good! 到目前為止還不錯! | 副詞片語so far表示「截至目前為止」。So far, so good!表示「截至目前為止,一切都還不錯!」 | | A: How's your report coming along? 你的報告做得怎麼樣? | B: It's certainly taking up a lot of my time, but so far, so good! 它確實花了我很多時間,但目前為止一切順利! | | | |  | | | | |  | | | | 管理與創新+6刊選1聯訂 |  | 訂1年送1年 | 特價2,200元 | | | | | | | 知識大圖解+互動日本語聯訂 |  | 知識大圖解 國際中文版+互動日本語 各一年12期 | 特價3,290元 | | | | | | | 知識大圖解+六刊英語聯訂 |  | 知識大圖解+6刊選1 | 特價2,990元 | | | | | | | | | | |