|  | An Elephant for the President 什麼都有 什麼都賣 什麼都不奇怪 by Paul Hines | Harrods' motto is Omnia Omnibus Ubique: all things for all people, everywhere. 哈洛德百貨的座右銘是 Omnia Omnibus Ubique:只有想不到,沒有買不到。 | When the former President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, wanted to buy an elephant — yes, a real elephant — he made a call to Harrods department store in London. _(1)_ This is just one example of why the store's Latin motto Omnia Omnibus Ubique: all things for all people, everywhere, is more than just a hollow claim▼. _(2)_ Throughout the business's colorful history, there have been devastating fires, numerous changes of address, and a revolving door▼ of owners, but one thing has stayed the same ─ Harrods' dedication to quality, variety, and innovation. Laying claim to being the finest department store in the world, as well as having something for everyone, requires more than a million square feet of retail▼ space and 330 individual departments. _(3)_ Serving the 300,000 customers that flock to the department store during the busy holiday seasons are around 5,000 employees. _(4)_ Harrods projects▼ a modern, multi-cultural atmosphere that entices customers from far and wide. Harrods' incredible history also includes the very first escalators to appear in a public place back in 1898. Another claim to fame is that it was part of the inspiration behind Winnie-the-Pooh. _(5)_ He then dreamed up the idea for the lovable bear and his faithful companion. And the rest is history. (A) The author, A.A. Milne, was watching his son, Christopher Robin, play with stuffed toys in the Harrods' toy department. (B) Harrods started out as a simple grocery store in 1849 but had many mishaps that could have prevented its success. (C) At this rate, African forest elephants could effectively be extinct over the next decade. (D) These dedicated workers represent around 50 different nationalities, including a cobra snake that was employed in 2007 to guard the shoe department. (E) The sales person, without hesitating, replied, "Would that be an African or an Asian elephant, sir?" (F) This makes Harrods the largest department store in Europe. 
|  |  | | |  | - 第一題空格應選 (E)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "When the former President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, wanted to buy an elephant..."(美國前總統羅納德˙雷根過去想買一頭大象……),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "The sales person, without hesitating, replied, 'Would that be an African or an Asian elephant, sir?'"(銷售人員不假思索地回答:『先生,請問您要的是非洲象還是亞洲象呢?』),前後兩句以 elephant(大象)一字形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。 大補丸 hesitate vi. 猶豫,遲疑 If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to call me. 假如你遇到任何問題,請立刻打電話給我。 - 第二題空格應選 (B)
理由: a. 空格後一句提及 "... there have been devastating fires, numerous changes of address, and a revolving door of owners..."(……它曾經歷過駭人的火災、無數次地址的變更以及業主的換手……),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "... but had many mishaps that could have prevented its success."(……不過它曾有過許多可能會阻礙其成功的不幸事件。),空格後一句的 devastating fires, numerous changes of address, and a revolving door of owners(駭人的火災、無數次地址的變更以及業主的換手)指的即是 (B) 項句子的 mishaps(不幸事件),故形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。 大補丸 mishap n. 不幸事故 同: misfortune n. In spite of one or two minor mishaps, everything was going swimmingly. 儘管遇到了一兩件小小的不幸事故,一切仍進行得很順利。 *swimmingly adv. 順暢地 - 第三題空格應選 (F)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "Laying claim to being the finest department store in the world... requires more than a million square feet of retail space..."(要宣稱是全世界最棒的百貨公司……必須具備的不僅是一百萬平方英尺的零售空間……),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "This makes Harrods the largest department store in Europe."(這讓哈洛德百貨成為歐洲最具規模的百貨公司。),前一句的 a million square feet of retail space(一百萬平方英尺的零售空間)與 (F) 項句子的 largest department store(最具規模的百貨公司)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。 - 第四題空格應選 (D)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "Serving the 300,000 customers that flock to the department store during the busy holiday seasons are around 5,000 employees."(五千名左右的員工在繁忙的節慶季節中為湧向該百貨公司的三十萬名顧客提供服務。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "These dedicated workers represent around 50 different nationalities..."(這些敬業的員工代表了約五十個不同的國籍……),前一句的 employees(員工)和 (D) 項句子的 workers(員工)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。 大補丸 a. dedicated a. 敬業的 A group of dedicated scientists worked day and night to find a cure for the disease. 一群敬業的科學家為了找出該疾病的療法而日以繼夜地工作。 *day and night 日以繼夜地 b. cobra n. 眼鏡蛇 - 第五題空格應選 (A)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "Another claim to fame is that it was part of the inspiration behind Winnie-the-Pooh."(另一項聲名鵲起的原因即是,該百貨公司還是小熊維尼背後的一部份靈感來源。),而 (A) 項的句子提到 "The author, A.A. Milne, was watching his son, Christopher Robin, play with stuffed toys in the Harrods' toy department."(作家艾倫.亞歷山大.米恩看見他的兒子克里斯多夫.羅賓在哈洛德百貨的玩具部門玩著填充娃娃。),前一句的 Winnie-the-Pooh(小熊維尼)這個虛構角色和 (A) 項句子的 The author, A.A. Milne(作家艾倫.亞歷山大.米恩)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。 大補丸 a stuffed toy 填充玩具 stuffed a. 填充的(過去分詞作形容詞用);吃飽的 I'm so stuffed. I can't eat another bite. 我吃得好撐。我已經吃不下了。 |  |  | |  | ▼ a hollow claim 一句空話 hollow a. 中空的 claim n. 說法;聲稱 ▼ revolving door 旋轉門(本文喻為『循環活動』) 衍: revolve vi. 旋轉 ▼ retail a. 零售的 衍: retailer n. 零售商 wholesaler n. 批發商 ▼ project vt. 表明……的特性;投射 | |  | - lay claim to... 宣稱有……;聲言……為己有
The late billionaire's daughter laid claim to several of her father's mansions. 那名已故億萬富翁的女兒聲言有她父親數棟豪宅的所有權。 - flock to... (人群)湧入……
Hundreds of fans flocked to the movie theater in hopes of seeing the star. 數百名影迷蜂擁至電影院,希望能看到那位影星。 *in hopes of N/V-ing 抱著……的希望 - far and wide 到處,各處
同: everywhere adv. - claim to fame 出名的原因
The town's only claim to fame is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it. 這城鎮唯一出名的原因是伊莉莎白女王一世曾造訪過。 - dream up... / dream... up (憑空)想出……
Roger dreamed up a creative slogan to stimulate sales of their new product. 羅傑想出一個有創意的標語來刺激新產品的銷售量。 *stimulate vt. 刺激 - the rest is history 其他的事是眾所周知
Jim and Jill dated for a year in college, and the rest is history. 吉姆和吉兒大學時曾交往過一年,接下來的事大家都知道了。 | |  | - motto n. 座右銘,格言
I try to live by the motto that honesty is the best policy. 我試著奉行『誠實為上策』這句座右銘。 - former a. 之前的;前者的
反: latter a. 後者的 - devastating a. 毀滅性的
衍: devastate vt. 破壞,毀滅 Many buildings collapsed when the devastating earthquake occurred. 那場毀滅性的地震發生時,有很多大樓倒塌。 *collapse vi. 倒塌 Hundreds of homes were devastated by the fierce winds during the typhoon. 上百戶家園被颱風帶來的強勁風勢所摧毀。 - variety n. 多樣化,變化
衍: a variety show 綜藝節目 The singer made his debut on a variety show. 那位歌手在一個綜藝節目中首次亮相。 - individual a. 獨立的;個別的 & n. 個人,個體
The beauty of individual travel is that your trip is made especially for you. 自由行的優點即是,你的行程專為自己量身訂做。 *beauty n. 優點;美(不可數) Every individual should be treated equally and with respect. 每個人都應該受到平等對待與尊重。 - entice vt. 誘使,慫恿
The TV commercial enticed Jenny to buy the weight-loss product. 電視廣告誘使珍妮去買那項減肥產品。 *commercial n. 電視廣告 - inspiration n. 靈感
衍: draw inspiration from... 從……獲得靈感 As a writer, Stanley draws inspiration from his everyday life. 身為作家,史丹利從日常生活中收集靈感。 - companion n. 夥伴(可數)
比較 company n. 同伴;陪伴(不可數) Dogs make for faithful companions. 狗狗是很忠實的夥伴。 One is known by the company he keeps. 觀其友,知其人。── 諺語 |  |  | |  | 什麼都有 什麼都賣 什麼都不奇怪 哈洛德百貨的座右銘是 Omnia Omnibus Ubique:只有想不到,沒有買不到。 美國前總統羅納德˙雷根過去想買一頭大象 ── 沒錯,是一頭真正的大象 ── 當時他打了一通電話給位於倫敦的哈洛德百貨公司。銷售人員不假思索地回答:『先生,請問您要的是非洲象還是亞洲象呢?』這僅是一個例子,說明為何這家百貨的拉丁座右銘 Omnia Omnibus Ubique:只有想不到,沒有買不到,並非純粹是一句空話而已。 1849 年,哈洛德百貨公司以簡單的雜貨店起家,不過它曾有過許多可能會阻礙其成功的不幸事件。縱觀該企業多采多姿的歷史,它曾經歷過駭人的火災、無數次地址的變更以及業主的換手,但有件事始終維持不變 ── 那就是哈洛德百貨對品質、多樣化及創新的用心奉獻。 要宣稱是全世界最棒的百貨公司且服務應有盡有,必須具備的不僅是一百多萬平方英尺的零售空間和三百三十個獨立部門。這讓哈洛德百貨成為歐洲最具規模的百貨公司。五千名左右的員工在繁忙的節慶季節中為湧向該百貨公司的三十萬名顧客提供服務。這些敬業的員工代表了約五十個不同的國籍,其中還包括 2007 年僱用來替鞋類專櫃坐鎮的一隻眼鏡蛇。哈洛德百貨展現出當代多元文化的氛圍,吸引了來自四面八方的顧客。 哈洛德百貨的傳奇歷史還包括早在 1898 年出現於公共場所的首批電扶梯。另一項聲名鵲起的原因即是,該百貨公司還是小熊維尼背後的一部份靈感來源。作家艾倫.亞歷山大.米恩看見他的兒子克里斯多夫.羅賓在哈洛德百貨的玩具部門玩著填充娃娃。然後,他便憑空創造出了這個討喜的熊熊及其忠實夥伴的點子。接下來的事便眾所皆知了。 答案:1. E 2. B 3. F 4. D 5. A | | |  |  | 2017百萬會員☆感謝祭!機不可失! ﹥滿額1,000送「隨機好禮」!滿2,000則送「韓版旅型多功能防水圓筒束口包」! |  |  | 流行在走!流利英文要有!常春藤雜誌長訂優惠! ﹥訂半年就送「韓版旅行收納組」一年則送「黑白貓不�袗�真空保溫杯」! |  |  | 你不可或缺的學習好夥伴:全方位語言學習DVD機! ﹥訂閱常春藤英語雜誌半年期+全方位語言學習機!現正優惠66折! | | | | | | | |