The Nightmare Machine 找出潛意識的恐懼 ── 惡夢製造機

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2017/05/30 第300期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Nightmare Machine  找出潛意識的恐懼 ── 惡夢製造機
Machines are starting to think on their own, and they are learning how to scare us.

  Smart computers taking over the world used to be science fiction. These days, however, true artificial intelligence is just around the corner. Many people are already afraid that computers are getting too smart for their own good. Given this fear, it is surprising that scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) designed an artificial intelligence to frighten us. They call it the Nightmare Machine. The project's goals are to ease people's fear towards intelligent machines and make their AI smarter.
  Luckily, the Nightmare Machine isn't as scary as it sounds. It is just a program that edits pictures to make them look scarier. For example, the Nightmare Machine can change the colors and shapes of famous landmarks to make them look like they are old and haunted. The results are frightening, but the really scary images are those of people's faces.
  The Nightmare Machine can turn anyone into a monster. It twists and rearranges faces in very disturbing ways. People can vote for the scariest images on their website to help improve the Nightmare Machine's ability to learn. Once people get involved, they will see that artificial intelligence is not as scary as it seems.



  1. take over...  佔領/接管……
    Who will take over Vivian's job after she has her baby?
  2. intelligent a. 有智慧的;聰明的
    We think of Bill as the most intelligent student in the class.
  3. program n. 電腦程式
    The program wasn't working, so I had to restart the computer.
  4. edit vt. 編輯
    Kevin edited a daily newspaper before he came to teach at our college.
  5. landmark n. 地標
    Taipei 101 is an easily recognizable landmark in Taipei.
    台北 101 大樓是台北市很容易辨認的地標。
  6. rearrange vt. 重新排列;重新安排
    The TV network rearranged its programming schedule in a bid to increase its ratings.
    * in a bid to V  試著……
  7. disturbing a. 令人不安的
    It is disturbing when a stranger knocks on the door.
  8. get involved (in...)  涉入/從事(……)
    Judy observed the student protest but did not get involved.

artificial intelligence n. 人工智慧
haunted a. 鬧鬼的

used to V 的用法
本文 "Smart computers taking over the world used to be science fiction." 中的 used to V 為固定用法,表「過去曾經做……」(但現在不再這麼做),這個片語最常與 be used to... 搞混,要注意的是 be used to 其後不加原形動詞,而要加名詞或動名詞,表「習慣……」。例:

My father used to go jogging every morning.

Peter is used to delivering speeches in front of a large crowd.


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