Age Ain't Nothing but a Number 年齡是生命的痕跡 —— 挑戰逆齡價值觀

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2017/05/30 第316期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Age Ain't Nothing but a Number  年齡是生命的痕跡 ── 挑戰逆齡價值觀
by Marcus Maurice

Women are beautiful at all ages, despite the media's correlation between youth and beauty.

  As the saying goes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Some mature women are just as _(1)_ as younger ladies. In Japanese, the word bimajo _(2)_ women over the age of 35 who look much younger. For the past seven years, a Japanese fashion magazine, Bist, has held the Bimajo Contest beauty pageant to prove that it's not only young women that meet society's _(3)_ of beauty.
  While it's great to have a pageant _(4)_ women who are not in their teens or early twenties, some women are afraid of aging. For their whole lives, women have seen commercials for anti-aging products and are taught to _(5)_ looking young. Dr. Lorna Warren came to a _(6)_ to do something about this. She wanted women to believe that they could grow old _(7)_ and that aging could be a wonderful thing. Dr. Warren started the Look At Me! art project to challenge all the negative _(8)_ of aging.
  In order to _(9)_ the lack of older women in media, she got together a bunch of mature women to pose for photographs and make art. Many participants had never even seen photographs of themselves, _(10)_ done any modeling sessions. One woman, Hermie, posed while riding her mobility scooter with her legs straddling the handlebars. In the picture, Hermie is about as happy as she has ever been in her life because she is having fun being an older woman. Maybe she will try out for the Bimajo Contest next year.

(A) address (B) celebrating (C) gracefully (D) standards
(E) refers to (F) impulsive (G) let alone (H) decision
(I) cowardly (J) value (K) gorgeous (L) stereotypes

  1. Some mature women are just as gorgeous as younger ladies.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    be as + adj. + as...  和……一樣
    同: be no less + adj. + than...
    Shelly is as beautiful as her sister.
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (F) impulsive(衝動的)及 (K) gorgeous(美麗的),惟根據語意,(K) 項應為正選。
    c. gorgeous a. 美麗的;華麗的
    Miss Chang is wearing a pair of gorgeous earrings today.
  2. In Japanese, the word bimajo refers to women over the age of 35 who look much younger.
    a. 空格前有名詞詞組 the word bimajo(「美魔女」這個詞),空格後有名詞 women(女性),得知空格應置單數及物動詞或片語動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (E) refers to(指的是……),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. refer to...  意指/指的是……
    These figures refer to our book sales in Asia.
  3. For the past seven years, a Japanese fashion magazine, Bist, has held the Bimajo Contest beauty pageant to prove that it's not only young women that meet society's standards of beauty.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    meet the standard(s)  達到標準
    standard n. 標準
    Our products meet the standard for durability and safety.
    *durability n. 耐久性
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. While it's great to have a pageant celebrating women who are not in their teens or early twenties, some women are afraid of aging.
    a. 原句實為:
    While it's great to have a pageant which celebrates women who are not in their teens or early twenties, some women are afraid of aging.
    b. 限定修飾的形容詞子句(即關係代名詞前無逗點)中,若關係代名詞為主詞時,該子句可化簡為分詞片語,化簡原則如下:
    1) 刪除關係代名詞;
    2) 之後的動詞變成現在分詞;
    3) 若動詞為 be 動詞,變成現在分詞 being 後可省略。
    c. 選項中為現在分詞的僅有 (B) celebrating(讚美),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    d. celebrate vt. 讚美,頌揚
    Vienna is hosting a classical music festival to celebrate its musical heritage.
  5. For their whole lives, women have seen commercials for anti-aging products and are taught to value looking young.
    a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,空格後有名詞詞組 looking young(看起來更年輕),得知空格應置原形及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (A) address(強調;處理)及 (J) value(重視),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
    c. value vt. 重視;珍惜 & n. 價值觀
    Caroline has decided to quit her job because she isn't valued or treated with respect.
    The mother implanted many positive values in her children.
    *implant vt. 灌輸(思想或情感)
  6. Dr. Lorna Warren came to a decision to do something about this.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    come to a decision / a conclusion  做出決定/達成結論
    We must come to a decision about what to do next by this afternoon.
    b. 根據上述,(H) 項應為正選。
  7. She wanted women to believe that they could grow old gracefully and that aging could be a wonderful thing.
    a. 空格前有片語動詞 grow old(變老),空格後有連接詞 and,得知空格應置副詞以修飾 grow old。
    b. 選項中為副詞的有 (C) gracefully(優雅地)及 (I) cowardly(懦弱地),惟根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
    c. gracefully adv. 優雅地
    The ice skater glided gracefully on the ice before jumping in the air.
    *glide vi. 滑行,滑動
  8. Dr. Warren started the Look At Me! art project to challenge all the negative stereotypes of aging.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 negative(負面的),空格後有介詞 of,得知空格應置名詞以被 negative 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (A) address(地址)及 (L) stereotypes(刻板印象),惟根據語意,(L) 項應為正選。
    c. stereotype n. 刻板印象
    Scott, who always wears T-shirts and jeans, doesn't fit the stereotype of a Wall Street banker.
    史考特總是穿著 T 恤和牛仔褲,並不符合華爾街銀行家的刻板印象。
  9. In order to address the lack of older women in media, she got together a bunch of mature women to pose for photographs and make art.
    a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,空格後有名詞詞組 the lack of older women in media(媒體中缺乏較熟齡的女性),得知空格應置原形及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (A) address(強調;處理),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. address vt. 強調;處理;專心對付/著手解決(問題)
    The government is trying to address the problem of illiteracy in the country.
    *illiteracy n. 文盲,不識字
  10. Many participants had never even seen photographs of themselves, let alone done any modeling sessions.
    a. 空格前有過去分詞 seen(見過),空格後亦有過去分詞 done(參加過),得知空格應置對等連接詞或具有連接詞作用的片語。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (G) let alone(更不用說),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. let alone 和 much less 只能用在否定句構中,且其本身有連接詞之作用,要連接相等的詞類。而 not to mention、to say nothing of、not to speak of 則可用於否定或肯定句中。
    let alone...  更不用說……(與否定句並用)
    Jimmy can't afford a car, let alone a house.
    not to mention  更不用說……
    May is adept in English and Japanese, not to mention her native Mandarin.
    *be adept in / at...  熟練……
  1. be nothing but N  只不過是……
    同: be nothing more than N
    The photo of the UFO was nothing but a hoax.
    *hoax n. 騙局
  2. As the saying goes, "..."  俗話說:「……」
    As the saying goes, "Modesty is a virtue."
    *virtue n. 美德
  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  情人眼裡出西施。── 諺語
    beholder n. 旁觀者
    There is no denying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  4. the lack of...  缺乏……
    The project is doomed to failure because of the lack of creativity.
    *be doomed to N / V  注定/一定會……
  5. a bunch of...  一群/一束……
    I found a bunch of roses sitting on my desk.
  6. try out for...  參加……的甄選比賽
    George wants to try out for the college's gymnastics team.
    *gymnastics n. 體操

pageant n. 選美比賽,選美會
scooter n. 機車,摩托車
straddle vt. 跨立於;騎
衍: broom-straddling a. 騎在掃帚上的
handlebar n.(機車的)把手

  1. age n. 年齡 & vt. & vi. 變老,老化
    衍: at the age of + 數字  在……歲時
    aging n. 老化 & a. 老化的
    I have no idea why Peter has chosen to take up rock climbing at the age of 50.
    *take up...  開始喜歡……
    Mr. Wang aged noticeably after the serious illness.
    *noticeably adv. 明顯地,顯著地
    The officials are trying to cope with the aging population.
  2. correlation n. 相互關係,相關性
    The survey shows that there's a correlation between money and happiness.
  3. mature a. 成熟的
    反: immature a. 不成熟的,幼稚的
    After joining the army, Darren became more mature.
    Your immature behavior is not suitable for an office environment.
  4. commercial n. 廣告 & a. 商業的
    This commercial raised awareness of breast cancer.
    Advertisers are quick to exploit the commercial possibilities of people's obsessions.
    *exploit vt. 利用;剝削
  5. challenge vt. & n. 挑戰
    衍: face / meet a challenge  迎接挑戰
    Tom challenged me to a game of chess.
    The company has to face one challenge after another from its competitors.
  6. pose vi. 擺姿勢 & vt. 造成,引起
    衍: pose a threat to...  對……構成威脅
    The two candidates shook hands and posed for pictures after their heated debate.
    *debate n. & vi. 辯論
    Diseases pose a threat to humans, particularly in hot and humid places.
  7. participant n. 參與者
    衍: participate vi. 參加,參與
    participate in...  參加……
    The rules stipulated that all participants answer the questions without using calculators.
    *stipulate vt. 規定(為意志動詞)
    In order to participate in the competition, Judy trained for one year.
  8. session n. 集會;一段時間;會議
    衍: be in session  開會中
    The Ministry of Finance will hold an emergency session to discuss the country's debt crisis.
    The G8 summit is now in session.
    *summit n. 高峰會

年齡是生命的痕跡 ── 挑戰逆齡價值觀
答案:1. K 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. J 6. H 7. C 8. L 9. A 10. G


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