| | |  | | Online Personality Quizzes: Do They Reveal the Real You? —Mike Corsini What job should you pursue? Which Star Wars character are you? Who would be your Mr. Right? Chances are you've seen online personality quizzes with titles like these pop up on your Facebook feed. They're extremely popular. Buzzfeed, the Web site that produces a lot of these quizzes, says they're generating a huge number of comments and clicks and breaking records on social media sites. One of its most popular quizzes—"Which State Do You Actually Belong In?"—received around forty-one million page views. Obviously, something must be making these quizzes hard to resist, but what is it? Before taking over the Internet, personality quizzes were already popular in magazines. One reason they're popular is that they feed people's desire for self-understanding. According to psychologist Steven Meyers, we all try to make sense of our lives, and we do this by focusing on three questions: "Who am I?" "What do others think I am?" and "Who do I want to be?" When we take personality quizzes and share the results online, we are addressing all of those questions. 線上心理測驗能反映真實個性嗎? 你該追求什麼工作?你是《星際大戰》裡的哪個角色?誰是妳的真命天子?你可能看過像這類標題的心理測驗出現在你的臉書動態上。這些測驗非常受歡迎。Buzzfeed這個製作許多這些測驗的網站表示,它們在社群媒體網站上引起大量評論及點擊數,並且不斷在創紀錄。其中最受歡迎的一項測驗──「事實上你屬於哪一州?」──獲得大約四千一百萬次的頁面瀏覽數。很顯然地,一定有讓這些測驗令人難以抗拒之處,但那是什麼呢? 早在席捲網路以前,心理測驗便已在雜誌上大受歡迎。它們受歡迎的一個原因是滿足人們了解自我的渴望。根據心理學家史蒂芬.梅爾斯所說,我們都試圖要理解我們的生命,藉由關注「我是誰?」、「別人認為我是怎樣的?」以及「我想要成為怎樣的人?」這三個問題來達到這個目的。當我們做心理測驗並在網路上分享結果時,我們正設法了解並解決這所有的問題。 | 《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.175 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 | | | | |  | Useful Exchanges 管理金錢實用對答 | A: I'm always broke before the end of the month. 我總是在月底前錢就花光了。 B: You should keep track of your spending to see where your money goes. 你應該記錄你的花費以了解錢都花到哪裡去了。 | | A: I have no idea why I bought this. I have no use for it. 我不知道我為什麼要買這個。它我用不到。 B: Avoid impulse buying. It's a waste of money. 避免衝動購物。這很浪費錢。 | | A: There's a necklace that I'd really like to buy, but it's so expensive. 有一條項鍊我很想買,但是它十分昂貴。 B: Start saving now. Before you know it, you'll have enough to buy the necklace. 現在開始存錢。很快你就會存夠錢買項鍊了。 | | A: Why don't you use credit cards? 你為什麼不用信用卡? B: Because I often spend more than I should when I use them. 因為我用信用卡時花掉的錢常常比該花的還多。 | | | |  | | | | |  | | | | 五刊+哈佛聯訂 |  | 哈佛商業評論+5刊選1 各一年 | 特價3,990元 | | | | | 財訊雙週刊 |  | 財訊雙週刊+5刊選1 各一年 | 特價3,280元 | | | | | | 5刊+知識大圖解聯訂 |  | 知識大圖解+5刊選1 各一年 | 特價2,990元 | | | | | | | |