閱讀暖身 「公司文化」或「企業文化」似乎已成為是否成功塑造公司或企業的指標。然而學者指出,所謂「文化」的真正內涵和作用,對一個團體而言,是否該有特定文化是值得深思的。進入文章前,先想想這些字怎麼說: a) 爭議 b) 誤解 c) 論調 When business people are asked to define culture, itturns out to be difficult. The problem here is that while we use the term “culture” constantly, most of usgive very little thought towhat that term means and how its use influences behavior and thought within organizations. 許多商業人士被問到如何定義文化時,都很難回答出個所以然。問題在於我們太頻繁使用「文化」這個詞,而很少會去思考這個詞所代表的真正意義,和它如何在團體中對人的行為和思維發揮影響力。 In fact, anthropologists have never really 1) agreed on what exactly culture means. In the 19th Century, E. B. Tylor defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Most of the definitions of culture used in books about organizational culture and values follow the Tylorian definition. 事實上,人類學家從來沒有一致認定過文化的絕對含義。十九世紀的學者泰勒曾將文化定義為「一個複雜的綜合體,其中包含了知識、信仰、藝術、道德觀、法律、習俗,以及其他許多由社會成員所養成的習慣」。有關組織文化、價值觀的書籍中,對文化所下的定義,大多是參考泰勒的結論。 The problem with the term “culture” is that it simplistically represents a particular group of people as a unified whole that share simple common values, ideas, practices, and beliefs. 「文化」一詞的問題在於,它過分簡單地將特地一群人視為一個整體,享有共同的價值觀、想法、實踐力和信仰。 But the fact is, such groups really don’t exist. Within any group characterized as having a culture, there are numerous a) contested opinions, beliefs, and behaviors. People may 2) align themselves to behave in a way that seems as though they 3) buy into expressed corporate values and “culture,” but this is just as likely to be a product of self-preservation as it is of actually believing in those values or identifying with some sloganized, organizational culture. 事實上,這樣只有單一價值觀的團體並不存在。任何被標誌著有某種文化的團體,內部仍然存在許多爭議和相左的意見、信仰或行為。人們也許會調整自己的行為來讓融入所謂的共同價值觀和「文化」,但這只可能是一種自我保護所衍生出來的行為,為了要讓自己真的去相信那些已經標語化的團體所創造出的文化價值。 Some experts believe that we need to stop using the term “culture” to talk about what’s going on in our organizations. It becomes easy to b) misinterpret or misunderstand the nature and influence of power, conflict, cooperation, and change in relation to both individual and group behaviors. 有些專家認為我們必須停止使用「文化」這樣的特定詞彙去談論組織中發生的事情,因為那使有關於個人或團體行為的權力、衝突、合作和變化被錯誤解讀,或被誤會。 Corporations and other organizations do not have cultures; they have philosop,hies and ideologies that form a process in which there is a constant c) discourse about the nature and expression of values, beliefs, practices, ideas, and goals. This discourse happens in sales meetings, interactions with customers, and in conversations around the water cooler. It’s a constantly moving target. 公司企業和團體機構都沒有所謂的文化;他們所擁有的事實上是哲學思維和意識,這些思維促成了團體中對於價值觀、信仰、實踐力、發想和目標的頻繁對話與討論。而這些對話發生在銷售會議上、與顧客的互動,甚至在飲水機旁,恆變不止。 口語詞彙 1) agree on 一致認定 agree on ,agree with ,agree to 三種用法都有所不同。 Agree on 是表示與…意見一致。We all agree on the deal. 我們雙方都同意此項交易。 而Agree with 意思是認同某人或某事。例:I agree with you. 我同意你。(表示你認同對方的意見。)Agree to是表示接受的意思,後面要接事情。Do you agree to my plan? 你接受我的計劃嗎? 2) align to… 調整 align可接to或者with,align with代表的意思為(調整為)一致的 This small change was done to align the product to the students' needs. 這個微調是為了使產品更符合學生的需求。 3) buy into 深信 buy into 原本有購買;買進某公司的意思。本文中當相信或深信某事物。 You don’t buy into all his advise, don’t you? 你不相信他所建議的,對嗎? |