Universiade Mascot Blows Out the Candles at Countdown Celebration Wishing Bravo a Happy Birthday!

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2016/09/22 第158期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
Universiade Mascot Blows Out the Candles at Countdown Celebration
Wishing Bravo a Happy Birthday!

Universiade Mascot Blows Out the Candles at Countdown Celebration
Wishing Bravo a Happy Birthday!
The curtains came down on the intense and exciting Rio 2016 Olympic Games not long ago. Were you like me, watching the competitions on television, your heart pounding so fast it was hard to breathe? In various riveting competitions, Taiwan’s team brought home one gold and two bronze medals. The gold was won by Hsu Shu-ching (許淑淨) in women’s weightlifting in the 53-kilogram category. Another female weightlifter, Kuo Hsing-chun (郭婞淳), claimed the bronze in the 58-kilogram category. Tan Ya-ting (譚雅婷), Lei Chien-ying (雷千瑩), and Lin Shih-chia (林詩嘉) were awarded the women’s team bronze medal in archery. This year, Taiwan’s female athletes really performed well!

2017 Taipei Summer

Universiade – Taking Up the Olympic Baton

At this year’s Olympic Games, there were several moments that left a deep impression on me. In addition to the “primordial power” of Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui, there was the selfie of Lee Eun-ju of South Korea and Hong Un-jong of North Korea, both gymnasts, which crossed political divides, and the mutual support of runners Abbey D’Agostino of the U.S. and Nikki Hamblin of New Zealand after they collided and fell during the women’s 5,000-meter qualifying heat, which enabled both to complete the race. This was also the first time that stateless athletes were allowed to form a “refugee team.”

Sports transcend national boundaries, conveying a type of simple beauty. Of course, the athletic spirit of striving for victory is important. However, a higher level of concern for humanity is more valuable than a gold medal. Many outstanding athletes from countries around the world will be arriving in Taipei to participate in the intense, exciting, and outstanding world-class competitions that will make up the 2017 Summer Universiade. While they are here, make sure to help cheer them on!

Countdown Party – Bravo’s Birthday Celebration

Do you know what happens on August 19th? This is the date of the opening ceremony for next year’s Taipei Summer Universiade. But even more importantly, it is my birthday! With the Universiade approaching, the Taipei City Government held a special birthday party for me – “Taipei Universiade 365 Day Countdown Carnival” ( 世大運365 倒數嘉年華) – in the square in front of Taipei City Hall on August 20th. There were 22 games booths onsite, giving the public a taste of the different sporting events.

The extraordinary cheerleading team joined me on stage to perform “Bravo’s Song” (熊讚之歌). For the grand finale, I stood on the knees of two cheerleaders. My legs were shaking badly – but the cheerleaders’ legs were shaking even worse. Am I really that heavy?

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said that, “To let the world see a better Taipei, we must excite the public during the process of preparing for this event!” With only 300-some days left before the start of the Taipei Summer Universiade, I, Bravo, pledge to work even harder and more fervently day by day, inspiring the public through my dedicated action.

I’ve been rushing here and there every day, and have been so busy that I almost forgot my own birthday. I never expected that my handlers would so thoughtfully organize such a grand birthday party. My boss, Mayor Ko, not only remembered my birthday, but also gave me a set of earphones made just for me. What made me even happier was, of course, the large amounts of pizza and cake, satisfying my “bearish” appetite. Upon seeing my birthday cake, my first wish was that the number of Universiade Facebook fan page likes will double from 10,000 to 20,000, and from 20,000 to 40,000. My second wish was for the world to come together to love and protect black bears. And my third wish was for a very smooth and successful 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade. Taipei, Bravo!

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