|  | The Future Is on Our Doorstep▼ 未來就在不遠處 by Ivy Liu | With the Internet of Things, a more efficient world is approaching. 有了物聯網,一個更有效率的世界指日可待。 | A topic that has become a growing part of conversation in the tech industry and beyond is the Internet of Things (IoT). _(1)_ Though it may seem like something from some far-off▼ future, it is estimated that around 26 billion devices will be connected to the IoT by 2020. Many IoT applications now exist in our everyday lives. _(2)_ However, these simple sensors embedded in physical things can become something far grander▼. The IoT has the potential to become a system of intelligent devices that collect data and communicate with each other via cloud computing▼ and other networks. _(3)_ A bigger picture of IoT would include not simply smart homes with intelligent devices, but smart cities. Imagine smart traffic cameras in cities communicating with one another to create an efficient citywide▼ transportation system. _(4)_ It can also connect to other city networks, producing an even larger framework of systems. For example, if an accident happened near an airport or a school, the traffic system could notify one of those two setups▼, and flight or school schedules could be adjusted accordingly. _(5)_ Clearly, the potential of a future with the IoT is vast. With a complete transformation of our lives, businesses, and world underway, are you ready for the next big thing? (A) However, some doubt if IoT has the potential to make a positive impact on our society. (B) For example, there is wearable tech, such as FitBit, that tracks our fitness and sleep, and there is home automation, like Nest. (C) The best routes around the accident could also be sent to traffic signs to guide drivers. (D) British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton coined the term in 1999, but the concept of connected devices has been around since at least the 1970s. (E) This system can monitor congestion, accidents, and weather conditions. (F) A smart fridge can notice you are running low on milk through its internal sensors and text you about it.
|  |  | | |  | - 第一題空格應選 (D)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "A topic that has become a growing part of conversation in the tech industry and beyond is the Internet of Things (IoT)."(物聯網(IoT)已成為科技業及其他產業中越來越常見的話題。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton coined the term in 1999, but the concept of connected devices has been around since at least the 1970s."(英國創業家凱文•艾許頓在 1990 年創造了這個專門用語,但物聯網裝置的概念至少從七零年代起就已存在。),(D) 項句子的 term(專門用語)指的即是前一句的 the Internet of Things (IoT)(物聯網),故形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. entrepreneur n. 企業家 b. coin vt. 發明(新字詞)& n. 硬幣 The writer likes to coin words in his novels. 這位作家喜歡在他的小說裡發明新字詞。 Can you spare me a few coins? 你能施捨給我幾個硬幣嗎? *spare vt. 騰出 & a. 備用的 - 第二題空格應選 (B)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及"Many IoT applications now exist in our everyday lives."(許多物聯網的應用程序正存在我們日常的生活。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "For example, there is wearable tech, such as FitBit, that tracks our fitness and sleep, and there is home automation, like Nest."(舉例來說,有追蹤我們健康和睡眠的穿戴式科技(例如 FitBit)和居家自動化(例如 Nest)。),(B) 項句子的 wearable tech(穿戴式科技)和 home automation(居家自動化)即是舉例說明前一句的 Many IoT applications(許多物聯網的應用程式),故形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. wearable a. 可穿戴的 b. track vt. & vi. 追蹤(常與 down 並用)& n. 行蹤 衍: keep track of... 隨時追蹤/記錄…… Police are still tracking down the thief. 警方仍在追蹤這名賊。 The nurse kept track of the patient's temperature. 該護士把病人的體溫一一記錄下來。 c. fitness n. 健康,良好狀態 d. automation n. 自動化 - 第三題空格應選 (F)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "The IoT has the potential to become a system of intelligent devices that collect data and communicate with each other via cloud computing and other networks."(物聯網有成為智慧型裝置系統的潛力,這套系統可透過雲端運算收集資料並和其他網路彼此溝通。),而 (F) 項的句子提及"A smart fridge can notice you are running low on milk through its internal sensors and text you about it."(一臺智慧型冰箱能透過內部的感應裝置注意到你的牛奶快喝完了並且傳簡訊告知你。),前一句的intelligent devices(智慧型裝置)與 (F) 項句子的 smart fridge(智慧型冰箱)互相呼應,故形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. fridge n. 冰箱 同: refrigerator n. b. internal a. 內部的 反: external a. 外部的 - 第四題空格應選 (E)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "Imagine smart traffic cameras in cities communicating with one another to create an efficient citywide transportation system."(想像一下城市的智慧即時路況攝影機互通信息來建立一個有效率的全市交通系統。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "This system can monitor congestion, accidents, and weather conditions."(該系統可以監測壅塞、事故和天候狀況。),前後兩句以 system(系統)一字形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。 大補丸: congestion n. 擁擠 衍: traffic congestion 交通阻塞 - 第五題空格應選 (C)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及 "For example, if an accident happened near an airport or a school..."(例如,倘若一場事故在機場或學校附近發生……),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "The best routes around the accident could also be sent to traffic signs to guide drivers."(事故周遭最佳路線也可被傳送至交通號誌來引導駕駛。),前後兩句以 accident(意外)一字形成關聯。 b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. route n. 路線 b. guide vt. 引導,指引 The instructions will guide you what to do. 操作說明會告訴您怎麼做。 |  |  | |  | ▼ doorstep n. 門階 ▼ far-off a. 遙遠的 ▼ grand a. 雄偉的 ▼ cloud computing 雲端運算 ▼ citywide a. 全市範圍的 ▼ setup n. 機構;裝置;陷阱 | |  | - it is estimated + that 子句 據估計……
It is estimated that this structure is over 2,000 years old. 這棟建築物據估有兩千多年的歷史。 - be connected to... 與……有連結/關係
The patient was connected to several machines that kept him alive. 該病人身上接著許多維生的儀器。 | |  | - approach vi. 即將來臨
The tourist insisted on going to the beach even though a typhoon was approaching. 雖然颱風即將來襲,這名遊客仍堅持要到海邊去。 - application n. 應用程式;申請表
A mobile application is a computer program designed to run on mobile devices. 手機應用軟體是一種被設計在行動裝置上運行的電腦程式。 - exist vi. 存在
衍: coexist vi. 共存 Currently, a cure for cancer doesn't exist. 治療癌症的藥目前尚未研發出來。 In the natural world, a multitude of species coexist in one habitat. 大自然的世界裡,許多的物種共存在一個棲息地內。 *a multitude of... 許多的…… habitat n. 棲息地 - sensor n. 感應器
- embed vt. (使)嵌入
衍: be embedded in... 嵌入在……中 Many experts claimed that future phones will be embedded in the human body. 許多專家聲稱未來的電話會嵌入於人類的體內。 - physical a. 有形的;物質的
- potential n. 潛力(= promise)
Teachers do their best to motivate students to realize their potential. 老師會盡力激勵學生發揮他們的潛力。 - transportation n. 交通運輸系統;運輸方式
- framework n. 架構(指抽象的『框架/架構』)
衍: frame n. 框架(指門/窗/圖畫等的具體『框架』) Progress is usually made within the existing framework of society. 進步往往是在現有的社會框架中達成。 The window frame is made of wood. 這個窗戶的框架是木製的。 - notify vt. 通知
The personnel meeting is on Monday unless I notify you otherwise. 除非我另行通知,否則人事會議是在週一舉行。 - adjust vt. 調整,調節
I'll adjust the window blinds because the sunlight is too bright. 我來調整百葉窗簾,因為陽光太刺眼了。 *blind n. 窗簾 - accordingly adv. 按照
The manager gave us specific instructions, and we acted accordingly. 該經理給予我們明確的指示,而我們也照著做。 - transformation n. 改變
Today's topic is India's transformation from poverty to prosperity. 今天的主題是印度從貧窮轉型到富裕的過程。 |  |  | |  | 未來就在不遠處 有了物聯網,一個更有效率的世界指日可待。 物聯網(IoT)已成為科技業及其他產業中越來越常見的話題。英國創業家凱文•艾許頓在 1990 年創造了這個專門用語,但物聯網裝置的概念至少從七零年代起就已存在。儘管這看起來像是來自某個遙遠的未來,但據估計,在 2020 年前大約有兩百六十億臺裝置將會與物聯網連結。許多物聯網的應用程式正存在我們日常的生活。舉例來說,有追蹤我們健康和睡眠的穿戴式科技(例如 FitBit)和居家自動化(例如 Nest)。然而,這些嵌在實體物品上的簡單感應裝置可以變得更廣闊無邊。 物聯網有成為智慧型裝置系統的潛力,這套系統可透過雲端運算收集資料並和其他網路彼此溝通。一臺智慧型冰箱能透過內部的感應裝置注意到你的牛奶快喝完了並且傳簡訊告知你。物聯網更大的願景包括不僅僅是有智慧型裝置的智慧家庭,而是智慧城市。 想像一下城市的智慧即時路況攝影機互通信息來建立一個有效率的全市交通系統。該系統可以監測壅塞、事故和天候狀況。它亦可連結到其他城市的網絡以產生一個更大的系統架構。例如,倘若一場事故在機場或學校附近發生,交通系統便能通知那兩個機構其中一個,接著班機或學校時間表便能依此做調整。事故周遭最佳路線也可被傳送至交通號誌來引導駕駛。毫無疑問地,一個擁有物聯網的未來潛能是相當大的。當生活、商務和正在運轉的世界有著徹底的轉變時,你準備好迎接下一件大事了嗎? 答案:1. D 2. B 3. F 4. E 5. C | | |  |  | 2016 Back to School!全館套書75折! ﹥滿額1,000送「超薄防水休閒摺疊包」!滿2,000則送「韓版厚料質感百搭後背包」! |  |  | 炎炎夏日-常春藤是你最消暑的讀書涼伴! ﹥訂半年就送「防曬不透光口袋傘」一年則送「怡天檸檬玻璃杯」! |  |  | 你不可或缺的學習好夥伴:全方位語言學習DVD機! ﹥訂閱常春藤英語雜誌半年期+全方位語言學習機!現正優惠66折! | | |  | | | | |