What do you suggest? Lara: Gee! There's so many to choose from. What do you suggest? Kevin: Just stick to the basic ones and you won't go wrong. I know Jill likes sweet and rich dressings. Thousand Island would be the one for her. Lara: For me it's a toss-up between Balsamic Vinaigrette and Italian. I like my dressing sour and light. Well, I think I'll try the Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing. What do you like? Kevin: I've got a bottle of Ranch at home. Hey, how about the "Parmesan and Roasted Garlic" dressing? The woman at the stand recommended it. Lara: We'll take that, too. That should be enough. Let's get the other stuff and get out of here. 羅拉: 哇!有這麼多可以選擇。你建議買哪一種? 凱文:選擇常見的口味就不會錯,我知道吉兒喜歡甜一點、濃一點的醬料,千島醬很適合她。 羅拉: 我可能會選酒醋醬或是義大利醬,我喜歡酸酸的、清淡一點的醬料。好吧,我想就試試看酒醋醬好了。那你選什麼? 凱文:我家裡已經有一罐奶油沙拉醬了,對了,試看看「乾酪烤大蒜醬」怎麼樣?試吃攤上的那個售貨員極力推薦的。 羅拉: 那就買吧!這樣應該夠了,我們把其他東西買齊就可以走人了。 |