Family history is an important part of your medical record. It tells medical practitioners what to look out for and also can provide vital clues when you are ill. Common disorders such as heart disease, stroke, and allergies often run in families. Hereditary illnesses and conditions are passed down from parent to child. These include cystic fibrosis, anemia, color blindness, and celiac disease. Children whose parents are both carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene have a 1 in 4 chance of catching this disease. The illness causes lung infections and breathing difficulties, as well as digestive and reproductive issues. Anemia occurs when someone doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. In sickle cell anemia, the blood cells have an irregular shape. Color blindness is the inability to perceive different colors. The condition is often inherited from the mother, but can be caused by illnesses such as diabetes. Celiac disease occurs when wheat proteins from gluten cause the body’s white blood cells to attack healthy cells. Often, the small intestine is affected. When you go for a medical examination, a doctor and a nurse may ask the same questions in order to double-check information. 家族病史是你的病歷史十分重要的一部分。你生病時它不僅能讓醫師了解需注意的部分,也能提供重要線索,了解患者罹病的原因。心臟病、中風與過敏等常見疾病,均與患者的家族病史有關。 遺傳性疾病和身體症狀則是從父母遺傳給孩子,包括囊腫纖維化、貧血、色盲以及麥麩不耐症。雙方都帶囊腫纖維化基因的父母,有四分之一的機率會生下患有囊腫纖維化的孩子。此疾病會造成肺炎、呼吸困難以及消化與生殖方面的問題。 貧血意指人的身體無足夠的健康紅血球以攜帶氧氣。以鐮型血球貧血症而言,血球即為不規則的形狀。 色盲意指無法分辨不同顏色。雖然通常是遺傳自母親,但也可能因為糖尿病等特定疾病而引起。 麥麩不耐症指麩質的小麥蛋白使體內的白血球攻擊健康細胞,受到影響的通常是小腸。 接受身體檢查的時候,醫師與護士可能會提出相同的問題,以再次確認你提供的資訊。 |