送禮的文化 The Gifting Culture(2) |
 When visiting a person's home in Taiwan, it is important to bring a gift. The gift can be fruit, chocolates, cake, wine or something similar. When you give your gift, you should offer it using both hands. Be modest about what it is and say that it's just something small. Don’t be surprised when the person receiving the gift puts it down to open it later. Taiwanese people don't usually open a gift in front of the person who gave it to them. If you are given a gift, it's best to act the same way. If giving an expensive present, it is a good idea to wrap it up nicely. Taiwanese people regard gift giving as an expression of sincerity. However, clocks and knives should never be given to a Taiwanese person as a gift. Clocks represent death because the word for “clock (zhong)” sounds the same as “the end of life (zhong)” in Mandarin. Knives represent the cutting of personal ties. 在台灣,到別人家裡拜訪帶伴手禮是很重要的,水果、巧克力、蛋糕、酒之類的東西,都可以當作禮物。送禮時要用雙手奉上,並且謙虛表示這份禮物只是一點心意。如果對方收下禮物後先放著,沒有馬上打開,不要感到訝異,台灣人通常不會當著送禮的人面前把禮物打開,你在收禮時最好也這樣做。如果你送的是貴重禮物,最好慎重包裝。台灣人認為送禮是個人誠意的表現,不過,時鐘和刀子千萬不能當作禮物送給台灣人,時鐘因為「鐘」的發音在國語裡與表示死亡的「終」字相同,而刀子則代表「斷情」。 |
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